What people say:
"Susanna is a gifted conductor with a clear technique..."
Vladimir Jurowski - Principal Conductor, London Philharmonic Orchestra
"Two wonderfully amazing days, one amazing woman, please can I have her on my shoulder when I'm conducting?"
Conducting masterclass participant - MUSIC HUB staff
"Susanna has the technique, musicality and personaility..." "...she produces powerful performances of polish, atmosphere and flair..."
Lynton Atkinson - Professor of Singing, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
"tremendously impressive performances..."
Geoffrey Lynn - 1st Violin, London Philharmonic Orchestra
"...WOW! I'm exhausted! I didn't think it was possible to achieve so much in just 3 hours... The pace of the rehearsal was great! We were pushed beyond our comfort zone - but in a good way!"
Principal woodwind, Southampton University Symphony Orchestra
"’ve not only improved my cello playing greatly and your determination with my (stubborn) habits and kindness with all your effort never ceases to inspire me!”
Junior Artist Scheme participant (London Philharmonic Orchestra)
YouTube: Susanna Riddell -
The Young Musicians' Guide
(Launched February 2024)
Find Susanna on her YouTube channel dedicated to supporting and encouraging young musicians and their parents as you all embark on new musical adventures.
The Young Musicians' Guide offers bite sized episodes covering multiple aspects of music making, instrumental study, practice tips, the challenges, the misconceptions, and quite simply - how to get the most out of making music.
If you have a budding young musician at home, then this channel is for you all.
Youth Music Wessex CIC
Autumn 2021saw Susanna launch a new independent organisation dedicated to providing high quality training for the young musicians of Wessex.
For further information: click here